Published: Aug. 26, 2019


Monday, August 26th, 2019

6:00 PM. in UMC

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Helen, Mavjuda, Sandra, Monica, Jhossep, Anuja, Josh, Christina F. Maya, Chidera, Jessie (for Ryan), Jessica, Julisa, Skylar, Victoria


Excused:Victor G.


  1. Fun Activity :)

    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. Buff Big Idea Challenge

      1. Copy of presentation on table at the front of the room.

      2. Great opportunity to get involved on campus and have a greater impact.

      3. - Alexis

      1. Meeting Expectations

        1. Be on time (if you are coming from a class far away or a class that gets out after 6pm, let the exec team and Monica know. (contact information below)

        2. One person talks at a time to avoid confusion and stay on track.

        3. Do not do homework during meetings or social media during meetings.

        4. Paying attention and stay on track.

        5. Upload notes/event updates prior to the meeting.

        6. Fill out officer notes prior to the meeting.

    2. How many people do we want on the board for recruitment?

      1. Change by-laws in the spring regarding the amount of board members in CEB.

      2. Smaller board can be more effective and add more value to each board member.

      3. Since we already have 15 board members, there is no need to recruit for the fall.

      4. We will be recruiting in the spring for the board members of 2020-2021.

    3. Retreat

      1. Overnight retreat is moved to the spring to be able to bond with new board members- a one day retreat for the current board members will be held in the fall.

      2. Mavjuda and Christina will figure out the date of the retreat and get back to the board.

  1. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Chinese Student and Scholars Association “Mid-Autumn Festival” September 13th, 3pm @ Norlin Quad/UMC Arcade - Nickey and Josh

        1. Update: Poster has been approved. Stuff has been shipped from China. Good job Josh and Nickey for being on top of things!

      1. Multicultural Greek Council “MGC Yard Show” September 27, 8pm @

      2. UMC Center Ballroom - Nickey and Monica

        1. Update: Spending meeting has been done. Poster was sent to Monica but there was no CEB logo so she sent it back; poster is awaiting approval.

      1. Latin Arts Society “Mexican Independence Week” September 16-20 6:00 pm@ Business Field, Will Vill - Mavjuda and Sandra

        1. Update: Funding meeting is still pending; Mavjuda will contact them so they can get on that and get it done.

      1. Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown” October 1st, 10:30am @ the Rec - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Answers

        2. Budgetary Questions:

        3. Notes:

          1. Advertising: $250 - $250

          2. Operating supplies (calligraphy): $306 - $306

          3. Food: $2,500 - $1783

          4. Gifts/Awards/Trophies: $304 - $0

          5. Total:

        4. Move to approve CEB Funding of $2,339 for Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown”

          1. Motion passes 9-0-1

      1. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers “Salsa Night” October 10, 6pm @ Rec Multipurpose Room - Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Update: No updates

        2. Reach out to org to get funding meeting scheduled.

      1. Buffs for Body Positivity “Allyship in the Body Positivity Movement” October 16, 6pm @ TBD - Christina and Maya

        1. Answers:

        2. Budgetary Questions:

        3. Notes:

          1. Performers (Mirna Valerio): $2,000 - $0

          2. Performer (Patrick Devenney): $500- $0

          3. Performer (Lizzo): $0

          4. Facility Rental (Auditorium reservation fee): $500- $0

          5. Total: $0

        4. Move to approve CEB Funding of $0 for Buffs for Body Positivity “Allyship in the Body Positivity Movement”

          1. Motion passes 9-0-1

      2. SM Gaming “Press Start” September 13th, 6pm @ the Rec - Victoria and Chidera

        1. Update- Met with Jamey and now awaiting the poster.

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Upcoming CSI Events

        1. Drag Queen Bingo: August 29th 7pm Glenn Miller Ballroom

        2. DSCC Open House: September 3rd 5pm-7pm

      2. Anyone needs/wants to meet with me, let me know. :)

    2. Leg Council

      1. Started an internship

        1. 20 members got ratified

        2. Starting this year; recruitment starts on Wednesday

    3. SMSG Liaison

      1. Tris had all day retreat

      2. Exec staff had first cabinet meeting

      3. Diversity trainings have been happening

        1. 7:15pm on Tuesdays at UMC 125

      4. All day training for the staff was yesterday

      5. SM on the Hill, SM HERD, and Be Involved Fair

    4. Webmaster

      1. No updates

    5. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Countdown for 1st speaker announcement starts thursday

      2. Share everything! Please

      3. Contest

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Happy First Meeting!

      2. Strengths Presentation

        1. Thanks to the people who have already filled out!

        2. People who still need to fill it out

          1. Monica

        3. Cultural Events Board Meet and Greet?

          1. How often would you like to do this?

            1. Twice a semester

          2. What date works best for people?

          3. Better name?

        4. Reach out to your orgs to see if they need anything! Also check in on how they are doing!

        5. Make sure you are able to attend the event you are liasioning for and if you cannot attend, that is okay! Please tell me or ask another member to be your proxy!

        6. Reach out to me! I think you all are super cool, and I’d love to hang out.

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Welcome back! Thanks for a great first meeting :)

      2. Show of hands for how many people read my summary doc on all speakers suggestions?

      3. Submit your questions for IC by September 9th!!! I’m going to send the form after this meeting.

      4. Discuss second semester speakers (DG/SB, CM)

        1. Christina C: is there content too similar to IC w/ DG?

          1. Different and larger audience (appealing to Latinx community) w/ DG, experienced + powerful story

          2. Topics may not be the same

        2. Is there someone like DG who is less likely to cancel?

        3. Confirmed: pursuing CM for spring semester

        4. Have a separate meeting specifically for spring semester speakers- Sept. 9th

      5. We can hang out if you’re paying lmao

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Let me know if you have any ideas for smaller events/documentaries/etc for this semester!

      2. Smaller event for our potential conservative speaker

    9. Marketing Coordinator

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. Office Hours & Tabling- consider the hours you are available; official sign up sheets will be available next week.

      2. Attendance- keep me in the loop with your attendance. If you’re going to be late, absent, etc, let me know!

    11. Chair

      1. Meeting with officer team starting the week after labor day so please let me know your availability

  1. Adjourn

    1. 7:56pm